Friday, December 11, 2009

Quiet week + C4C

It's been a very quiet week on the running front. The busy schedule early in the week combined with the snow storm in the middle of the week forced me to move my workouts indoor. It's funny how I was claiming I don't need a treadmill a few days ago. This week surely felt like I could use one! Hopefully I can find some time today to get out there for a short run.

Last week's Cans for Comments (C4C) yielded an impressive 9 cans (7 online comments + 2 offline). I cheated a bit and got some Nutella in place of a can. I'm sure no one will complain :)
My good friends at foodiePrints were kind enough to donate their own cans based on the number of comments on Saturday...

Let's see if we can do better this week. The rules are the same, for every visitor that leaves a comment on my blog, I will donate one can/food item to the Stittsville Food Bank. If you want to share the love, remember that Marlene is also doing Cans for Comments on her Mission to a(nother) marathon blog.


  1. I can't even imagine running in a snow storm! Yikes!

    Good luck with the cans/comments- that's awesome!

  2. Mmm, Nutella! I'm positive there will be no objections.

    Here's my comment fot today!

  3. winter arrived with a vengeance! thankfully my gym is across the street, so I have access to a TM there very easily! great job with the cans!

  4. Happy Cans for Friday! Hope you have some great weekend miles!

  5. Nutella is as good or better than some canned goods! Good for you EB, every little bit helps those who can't help themselves or those who have been placed in stressful situations. We are so blessed to be able to contribute!

    I just signed up for the Richmond Road Race! If I don't see you on New Year's Eve, maybe we can catch up in Richmond!!!

  6. You're amazing. Second week in a row. Here's a comment from foodiePrints and because we are a blogging team over here, expect another one soon.

  7. Hey Yannick!

    Don't know what happened to my previous comment, however, I shall be serious.

    I've always thought that winter running is great. There's nothing like fresh clear air and some snow slowly drifting down. :)

  8. Great idea! I'm going to do this next week 2!

  9. C4C :) Nice job!! I just finished my drive. I ended up donating money instead of cans so they can buy fresh produce etc too! Although Nutella is looking pretty good...

  10. Nooooo!! Am I too late??? Do the comments have to be on a Friday?! This is a really awesome idea!

  11. Yay for Nutella -- I can't imagine anyone would mind at all :-)
