Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another Flat

I had a pretty good morning commute, coming in under an hour. I didn't feel any pain in my knee anymore so I guess my stretching helped.
Then when I came outside after work, I saw that I had a flat on my back wheel! I'm not sure if the extra pressure from the air fill up yesterday made the tire more vulnerable to flats or if I was just unlucky. The cause was a sharp piece of metal that lodged itself in the tire. I've known for a while that the tire was getting worn out but I'd rather wait until the streets are cleaner before I put a new one on.

The timing of my commute home was still pretty good at just over an hour:

I was feeling like pop today so in the mix we have the french buffons Les Trois Accords with Gros Mammouth, orient inspired Kula Shaker's K and The Killers with Hot Fuss.

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